Registered Apprenticeship Program

Explore Your Journey to Become a Highly-Qualified Teacher

Apprentices begin the program on one of four on-ramps based on earned college credit hours. Each on-ramp has specific competency based training requirements and coursework requirements, culminating in a year-long paid teacher residency. In addition to being a full-time employee at Brazosport ISD, the apprenticeship provides a low-cost, no-cost pathway for apprentices to earn a college degree and teacher certification.

What is your pathway into the teaching profession? Explore the multiple on-ramps that include scaffolded support and personalized learning so apprentices can access the most direct path to certification and receive high-quality training to launch their teaching careers.

Less Than 30 College Hours Earned

Apprentice and Pre-Apprentice: Enrolled in college courses and participating in micro-credential instruction and on-the-job training. CTE students are considered pre-apprentices but not employed by the district.
Employment Status: Paraprofessional Apprentice Level 1
Program Length: Approximately 4 years

Less Than 60 College Hours Earned

Apprentice: Enrolled in college courses and participating in micro-credential instruction and on-the-job training.
Employment Status: Paraprofessional Apprentice Level 2
Program Length: Approximately 3 years

Less Than 90 College Hours Earned

Apprentice: Enrolled in college courses and participating in micro-credential instruction and on-the-job training.
Employment Status: Paraprofessional Apprentice Level 3
Program Length: Approximately 2 years


Apprentice: Residency experience; final year of college or conferred bachelor’s degree. Enrolled in Teacher Certification Program to earn teacher certification and participating in micro-credential instruction and on-the-job training.
Employment Status: Resident Apprentice Level 4
Program Length: 1 year

A Registered Apprenticeship Program is an effective, high-quality “earn and learn” model that provides structured, paid, on-the-job learning experiences in the school district combined with job-related technical instruction with a mentor that leads to Standard Certification in Texas. Registered Apprenticeships serve as an avenue for skills-based hiring by removing potential barriers to early-level careers for qualified workers. Registered Apprenticeship Programs prioritize district talent needs, recruiting and supporting candidates to enroll in best-fit degree and preparation programs to earn Standard Teacher Certification in high-need areas while simultaneously filling vital roles in the district.

Apprentices are paid to work in the classroom while preparing to become certified teachers. Our school district, with the support of our partners, also provides resources (financial, academic, and wraparound services) to support apprentices in their journey. Apprentices can access the most direct path to certification and receive high-quality training, all at a reduced cost.  Apprentices have opportunities to advance to higher-level positions with increased compensation throughout the program. Multiple on-ramps scaffold support and personalize learning so apprentices can achieve their goals with low-cost, no-cost pathways into the teaching profession.

Registered Apprenticeship Programs are employer-driven and bring new talent to the teacher pipeline that provides talent solutions for both short and long-term needs. Greater collaboration between workforce partners and school districts provides an opportunity to leverage resources and partnerships, particularly with the publicly funded workforce system, to support pathways into the education profession. School districts can make pathways into the teaching profession visible and actionable.

For Future Teacher Apprentices

Contact us to learn more about hiring opportunities to launch your teaching career

Interested in joining BISD?

General Inquiries and Information

Contact us to learn more about how teacher apprenticeships are supporting our talent acquisition strategies.

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